If we think about remote work, it was something that looked like the near future, but with the arrival of the pandemic, it allowed us to accelerate the digital transformation process that every day isleading us to a new technological revolution.

From my experience it has been a pleasant and wonderful opportunity to be able to manage time, in addition to adapting the space to be able to carry out this task, since at home I hace to generate a totalle dedicaded space to carry out my professional work as academics. This allowed me to organize and manage that space to be able to fulfill my tasks and work activities of the day to day, I cannot deny that at the beginning it was a challenge because it did not have the adequate space which generates distractions from the environment or beging in the dining room while you are doing some activity.

The spaces have changed to get the best version of one by approaching different communities to be able to use the potencial of internet and work with people that you have seen physically in your life and being able to generate excellent comunication to be able to solve day-to-day challenges.

I believethat this modality came to stay and encourage collaborative co-works spaces where we approach at different times and communities to share and grow but at the same time, to be able to generate solutions from anywhere in the world for different horizons. It continues to be a challenge for many and we will continue in this constant learning that society offers us in the way we work and hoy we are doing it and where we will go...